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1. Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley. I don’t normally go for remakes, but he did a wonderful job on this. And while this song’s lyrics are not considered as ‘safe’ as the newer version, they’re raw and more true to life struggle, which is great for a realist like me.

2. Flood - Jars of Clay. A Christian song that made the main stream pop/rock genre and is actually artistic??? Yep.

3. One of Us - Joan Osborne. Another one like the one above.

4. Valinor - Vatican Vamps. Underground, powerful artistic lyrics, unique sound, beautiful people we personally know; need I say more? No. Just listen.

5. Let it Be - The Beatles. It wasn’t actually written about Jesus’ mom. It was about Paul McCartney’s mom and how she came to comfort him after she died.

6. Awakening - Amanda Lindsey Cook. The deeper I get into Christianity, the more I get attached to this song. She’s one of the few, modern, Christian musicians who really seem to be rooted in what they sing.

7. Grandma’s Hands - Bill Withers. An artistic, well performed story about God and beauty in a family relationship.








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