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No flash, no big screens in the background; just the honesty of sound. Choose your subject, relax and take in a powerful gift; the hands-free wisdom and welcome of God's word.

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Wake Up Darwin

A small animal didn't jump off a cliff so its babies would sprout wings and . . . 

Forgiveness Pt 3 - How did we Ever Lose It?

Unforgiveness; the formula is everywhere. It's next to impossible to get aw . . . 

Forgiveness Pt 7 - Using the Heart

When people say: "Listen to your heart", they may not even realize how incr . . . 

My Rebellion Doesn't Work Well With God's Consistency

It's about that head-tilted, parental look He gives me when I pretend my re . . . 

Forgiveness Pt 4 - The Damage of not Forgiving

Unforgiveness is a poison. I've seen it spur revenge, violence, outcasting  . . . 

Forgiveness Pt 8 - Bringing Change

I didn't yet understand it, but somehow, everything felt different. . . . 

Forgiveness Pt. 1 - The Introduction

There were more occasional tears of Joy and a childlike embrace of that new . . . 

Forgiveness Pt 5 - Those who Don't let Go

When we don't forgive, we go on a life-long hunt for something we will neve . . . 

How do you not Know me?

How do you not know me, when I'm in the wind that wraps around your skin? . . . 

Forgiveness Pt 2 - It's not Just That Easy

It's not such a big deal when someone bumps your shoulder or forgets to rep . . . 

Forgiveness Pt 6 - Forgiving Yourself

When you find yourself in that kind of situation; you become the scape goat . . . 

E1 - Disbelief - Stages of Faith

I left the whole thing behind and spent a couple of decades promoting what  . . . 




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