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  • E10 - Battle Training - Stages of Faith

    Podcast - E10 - Battle Training - Stages of Faith Click image to see/purchase in speaker's photography portfolio. E10 - Battle Training - Stages of Faith 00:00 / 01:04 Download this podcast free and see more options at: An enemy with thousands of years of training. If I don’t make it through God’s spiritual boot camp, I won’t make it through anything. This podcast is the 3rd in a series in which I talk about all of the stages of faith I went through, in the order I went through them. To get the entire series, free, visit Share this podcast Last Podcast Next Podcast Share . . E10 - Battle Training - Stages of Faith Share podcast More Podcasts Help support these podcasts Thanks for listening :) I spend a lot of late nights and challenging moments working hard. All content is done by me... the writing, recording, editing, web design and setup, photography and publishing content. If you find value in it, please consider any of the following: ​ Supporting my work , Passing it on , subscribing for free updates . Uplifting The Church Pt 5 - You Might Not Know (video) Uplifting The Church Pt 5 - Wake Up Call Uplifting The Church Pt 4 - Shining The Critical Light . Share Podcast . . .

  • A Prayer for My Uncle Bill

    A Prayer for My Uncle Bill From A Nephew December 4, 2018 at 5:00:00 AM My uncle Bill woke a few weeks ago with no eyesight. I need help praying that his eyes get better. No one knows why it happened. Share prayer: Share Prayer See all prayers Ask for prayer See image in writer's photography portfolio.

  • Donate via U.S. Mail | Getting to God

    Give by Mail; by money order, cashier's check, etc. You can help either by name or anonymously. Your info will never be shared with anyone. Here's how: Flip the switch below for the address. If that doesn't work, please see the message at the bottom of this page (these steps help prevent unwanted use of my information). Optional: If you'd like confirmation of delivery; use the form to send me a note, so I can watch for your donation. If you wish to remain anonymous, please make up a nickname and leave the email field blank. This way I can post back on this page and let you know when your contribution was received. Optional: You can check back on this page for a note below, to see when your contribution was received. Flip the switch to show address: Shawn Keenan PO Box 3521 Bloomington, IN 47402 This information will not be published or shared. Name or nickname Email (optional) Please tell me a bit about your gift Submit Thanks for submitting! Contributions received by mail from: ​ No recent US mail contributions. If the above form did not work, I've hidden my address in the text below. To extract the right info, put together only the letters highlighted in green. I've do this to help keep internet bots and spiders from collecting my info and spamming me. ​ ​ ​ Shaw 45 n K !*( eenan 7 P -3 O 8 Bo 2 x 35 #w 21 Blo %* oming 3z ton, IN 474 zzs 02-3521 ​ ​ ​ An example, similar to what's going on above: Le 5 t the wo #$ rld b 7 e bathe 77 d in li %$ ght would actually be; Let the world be bathed in light ​ ​

  • Toni Bayless

    Stories of Faith More Stories < Previous Story Next Story > Toni Bayless Fatih after a life of abuse and the loss of her son. Since the moment Toni and I sat down for this interview; I’ve thought about it almost every day. It’s given me so much reason to be a more appreciative husband and father. Toni has already changed at least one life with her story, mine. And while I hate the price she paid to help others, I’m confident she will. Thanks for looking :) I spend a lot of late nights and challenging moments working hard. All content is done by me... the writing, recording, editing, web design and setup, photography and publishing content. If you find value in it, please consider any of the following: ​ Supporting my work , Passing it on , subscribing for free updates . More Media Uplifting The Church Pt 5 - You Might Not Know (video) Sometimes the need for spiritual strength in the church goes far deeper than we can imagine. Uplifting The Church Pt 5 - Wake Up Call If you don’t meet a reaching hand with support, the person reaching will pull that hand back down and may never reach again. Uplifting The Church Pt 4 - Shining The Critical Light Within those moments of prayer and standing against worldly behavior, we find our truest selves, the light we are given to show God's glory. Uplifting The Church - Pt 3 - Who Do We Serve? When those laws are applied to how we interact with each other, our church is uplifted and becomes the sanctuary it should be. Uplifting The Church - Pt 2 - A Personal Story It became an extension of some of the negativity that came from others. It was at that moment I had a chance to put up a barrier between us. Uplifting The Church - Pt 1 - What IS Church? When we do this within our core group first, that group becomes strong enough to set examples and support for those outside of it. What Makes A Christian? I'm tired of the arguments. It's time to cut to the chase. Thanks for looking :) I spend a lot of late nights and challenging moments... Beware of Polished, But Unfinished Opinion "I have examined the evidence for Christianity, and I find it unconvincing." I'm sorry sir, but no, you haven't. Setting A Trap For God's Love (video) God is love. I'm well aware that if I want to live in his house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. A Question About How To Forgive (Short Article) She said that she understood the need for forgiveness, but the damage of what had been done ran very deep. Boundaries Can Kill You (tiny article) When we set ourselves up to truly explore something, we end up finding truth, even if we're not prepared for the truth we find. Close To Death; A Powerful, Personal Story; From Selfish To Evangelist (video) How a former life brought him to darkness and how an extremely close brush with death changed his course forever.

  • Forgiving Yourself Package | Getting to God

    The Forgiveness Package Strengthening the spirit is not a straight forward thing. Each one of use leads an individualized life, with our own set of weaknesses and strengths. So for each set there is a package designed specifically for individual purpose. When you're ready, pick a package and get the flow of information and improvement going!

  • The Realism of Sin

    Podcast - The Realism of Sin Click image to see/purchase in speaker's photography portfolio. The Realism of Sin 00:00 / 01:04 Download this podcast free and see more options at: This podcast looks at the realities and final arguments of why we would want to eliminate sin from our lives. Share this podcast Last Podcast Next Podcast Share . . The Realism of Sin Share podcast More Podcasts Help support these podcasts Thanks for listening :) I spend a lot of late nights and challenging moments working hard. All content is done by me... the writing, recording, editing, web design and setup, photography and publishing content. If you find value in it, please consider any of the following: ​ Supporting my work , Passing it on , subscribing for free updates . Uplifting The Church Pt 5 - You Might Not Know (video) Uplifting The Church Pt 5 - Wake Up Call Uplifting The Church Pt 4 - Shining The Critical Light . Share Podcast . . .

  • 7 Ways to get Better Sleep

    7 Ways to get Better Sleep Click image to see/ purchase it in writer's photography portfolio . . . More 7's lists Share this list Ease into the list. Don’t expect yourself to find all of these suggestions right for you and don’t cram them all in immediately. Start by picking out one or two (or more if you’re comfortable) and seeing what happens. Then build on it by adding more later. Just give it time. Like me, you may never see excellent sleep, but each step below can add just a bit more time. I still have my very rough nights, but now sometimes get as much as 7 hours. That’s excellent progress for an insomniac. When I was an Atheist, I would have cringed at this sentence, but now it’s just simple truth backed by years of experience and experimentation; the first two points below are my most important and most effective ways of getting better sleep. 1. Follow Christ . I know this sounds weird and it's definitely not something you’re going to hear in a sleep therapist's office. But then sleep therapists did not write the manual to life. It never fails, never. Every day I live more like Christ demonstrated; that’s followed by a night of better sleep. When I do not listen to God and the examples of Christ, I always sleep worse. That data never changes. "It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep." - Psalm 127:2 KJV 2. Read the Bible . Start reading at least 30 minutes before you plan on going to sleep. If you wake in the middle of the night, read again. Since childhood I’ve had serious sleep issues. Of all the sleep therapy I’ve had, of all the different prescriptions I’ve tried, nothing has worked as well as this. Sometimes I have to try several times, but overall I will always sleep better this way. It's hard to sleep in a world full of spiritual turmoil, but easier when we clear a bedtime path with one of the best tools God has given us. See my article The Bible - What is it and how do I Read? “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” - Hebrews 4:12. 3. Pray for God to show you the root of the sleep problem. It might sound weird, but God will actually help you get to the root of any problem. Just be open. He may point out some comforts that you may not want to give up. But he never lets us down and will always give usable information. See my collection on Effective Prayer 4. Stop being afraid . I spent years not sleeping well. During the periods when I would get decent sleep, I kept telling myself I’d never let insomnia happen again. Because I was afraid to loose sleep, my sleep was damaged by simply worrying about it. I had to stop thinking about every minute I was loosing. After accepting that everyone looses some sleep here and there, I felt more relaxed and was able to get to sleep easier. 5. Keep stress in check , in general. Keeping lower stress rates during every-day life will give you a stronger, more peaceful baseline to work off of at night. This can be hard for a Christian. So I’ve compiled a set of articles and media that can help with this, seen here. See my collection on Personal Peace . 6. Avoid videos and adrenaline fed media for at least 2 hours before bed. No videos if possible. They engage the brain in multiple ways and it takes a while to shut those thought modules down, especially when they're stories about rough things like action, war, legal issues, financial stuff or car crashes. Any music should be calm and relaxing. Also, a ton of media out there is laced with things like hidden satanic symbolism and the like; not good for a person striving toward Christianity, actually, not good for anyone. 7. Get away from electronics. Yes, I need my computer, I used it to type this stuff, but I don’t hug it while I’m sleeping. Okay seriously, EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) is often given off in overdose from many electronic devices, and proven to cause mental states like fight-or-flight in many people. It may be okay to read a bible app on a device where wifi, bluetooth and cell signal are shut down, but, when enabled, those radio waves have been proven to be harmful to mood and sleep. Get as far away from as many electronics as possible, especially devices that have radio communications like WiFi and bluetooth turned on. Because sleep can be such a hard venture for some, I will keep going below with bonus information. 1. Don’t look at the clock , it’s evil. Okay that’s a joke. I don’t think clocks are evil, but they can feel that way when trying to sleep. If you need an alarm, set it and turn the clock around. For an insomniac, a clock is just a reminder of how much sleep we’re losing. 2. Talk to a doctor about a referral to a sleep specialist. Many times, sleep issues are pretty straight forward and often stem from things that can be fixed without a lot of worry. However, there are sleep disorders, like Sleep Apnea; they can require medical supervision. They are often easily treated, but can be dangerous and even deadly without proper help. A sleep specialist can help you sort these things out and build a plan to fix them. 3. Sleep Restriction and timing . Keeping roughly the same schedule helps keep your body from getting confused. Try to go to bed at about the same time every night. Waking up at the same time every morning is the most important part of this, even if you’ve lost some sleep. Getting up at the same time will help train your body back into a good schedule. Not only this, but if you force sleep loss, eventually your body will get into a groove of needing sleep so badly, you’ll fall asleep easier. THIS RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO INFANTS ; Sleep training and sleep restriction WILL DAMAGE the sleep cycles of babies and toddlers. 4. Avoid alcohol, sugar, nicotine and caffeine , at least five hours before bed. Yes, alcohol can help you get to sleep. It also has an effect that wears off in the middle of the night and wakes the body up. Nicotine, sugar and caffeine are stimulants. AND, this step is just a stop-gap, as these things can open doors to spiritual misdirection and hardship in general. It's best to stop them as much as possible to begin with. 5. Regular exercise, every day . Even just a 20-40 minute walk can help some, but the more, the better. Finish all exercise at least two hours before bed. Light stretching for at least ten minutes, 30–60 minutes before you go to bed can also help you sleep. 6. Take slow deep breaths after laying down . Before or after laying down, take between three and four slow, deep breaths. 7. The 15 minute rule . If you’ve been laying in bed for around 15 minutes and cannot get to sleep, get up. Go do something outside the bedroom, usually for at least 20 – 30 minutes. Do something mild that guides the brain calmly like reading or working on a simple puzzle. After the 20 — 30 minutes try going to bed again. This has helped me tremendously. It can take me as many as three tries, but usually I get to sleep after just one or two. But see step 2 on the first list above. Reading the Bible has almost completely eliminated the need for the 15 minute rule. 8. Make the sleeping area dark . Almost any kind of light can trigger the body’s response to wake up. That’s because of Melatonin (the sleep inducing chemical produced by the brain); the more light that is present, the more Melatonin production stops. I sometimes put a blanket on top of the blinds every night. Also, when we have control over it, there are no lights on in our bedroom at night, none, not even from surge protectors. This makes it very dark, even in the morning. It may sound a bit drastic, but insomniacs need every edge we can get. 9. Make the sleeping area cool . If you can, drop the temperature to where you need at least a sheet or light blanket. Anything that is cooler is slower, that includes the human body. 10. Comfort . A bed that is made well will make it much easier to sleep. Newer pillows help too. If you’re constantly having to fluff or turn them, it’s a good sign they need to be replaced. When purchasing a new bed, bring a book or other relaxing activity to a mattress store. Lay in each bed you are looking at for at least ten minutes. Otherwise you won’t get the full effect until you bring it home. Keeping bedding clean and fresh smelling also helps. Loose fitting, soft clothing is also beneficial. 11. Build a routine . Even if it’s simple, it can still help your body remember when it’s time for bed. The important thing is to put your actions in the same order each night. 12. Avoid stressful interactions with others , at least two hours before bed time. If you know a phone call or personal conversation will involve anything that gets the blood moving, put it off until the next day, whenever possible. 13. Spend less time in the bedroom . As much as possible, avoid the bed and bedroom unless it’s for sleep. This will help your routine become more categorized and efficient. In this way, you can program your body to react to the bedroom as more of a place to sleep than anything else. 14. Avoid eating a lot of food or drinking a lot of fluids , two hours before bedtime. Heavy digestion or a full bladder will keep the body awake. You can’t sleep on the toilet, not efficiently at least. 15. Do not nap . It can have the same effect as getting up late. After napping, your body will be able to hold off on sleep until later. If you have to, cut down slowly. Reduce your nap time by 15–20 percent for a few days, then repeat until naps are gone. For example; If you take a 30 minute nap, reduce it to 25 minutes. Three days later, reduce it to 20 minutes. Three days later, reduce it to 15 and so on until it’s completely gone. The goal is to gather your sleep needs into one time frame. 16. Don’t go to bed hungry . A rumbling gut is a great way for your body to stay awake. Eating something small, like a piece of bread, right before bed can make a big difference. If you’re still full from your last meal of the day, don’t worry about it. 17. Eat well . Having a healthy diet makes everything in your body work much more efficiently and sleep is no exception. 18. Use sleeping pills/medicinal sleep aids/herbal sleep aids as an absolute last resort; only if you’re trying everything else and it’s not working. They can often cause more problems. If you do not try the things listed here and do not see a doctor before using sleeping meds, they can cause a cycle of dependency and cover your body’s natural ability to sleep. Know this… I AM NOT A DOCTOR and I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for your use of sleep aids. DO NOT USE MEDICINAL SLEEP AIDS WITHOUT CHECKING WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST! . . . . Share this list . More 7's lists . . Thanks for reading :) I spend a lot of late nights and challenging moments working hard. All content is done by me... the writing, recording, editing, web design and setup, photography and publishing content. If you find value in it, please consider any of the following: ​ Supporting my work , Passing it on , subscribing for free updates . . . . Uplifting The Church Pt 5 - You Might Not Know (video) Uplifting The Church Pt 5 - Wake Up Call Uplifting The Church Pt 4 - Shining The Critical Light . . .

  • Articles | Getting to God

    Articles A Reality Many Don't Know (Article) When you think maybe the devil, evil and their war on the human mind are questionable; think about some of the facts... Just When I Think I Know (Article) God knows every fiber of their being and every millisecond of their past, present and future. Spotting the Fakes - Spiritual Discernment (Article) It's because he studied the real ones and the fake ones in so much detail that he could no longer be fooled. I Held My Grandfather's Hand as he Died (article) Anything you might lose by trying to know Him is something you never needed. A Subjective Argument (Article) Did you know that enough of the Bible can be backed by historical and archeological evidence that it literally can't be disproven? The Reality of the Screen (Article) We saw the possibility of creating shiny things that do cool stuff. No one ever made safety as much of a priority as getting them out. Stepping Away From Abortion (Article) I have no right to judge someone who’s chosen abortion. I’ve done a lot of things in my own life that can be judged. 1 2 3 4 5 .

  • Polls | Getting to God

    Polls Polls are great aren't they? No, I don't mean those things on the side of the road that hold up wires (those aren't actually fun, don't even try it). I'm talking about fun ways to vote and share your experiences and opinions. ​ Anyone can vote once. Only supporters can suggest polls. To submit a poll idea, become a supporter and then head over to the Suggest a Poll page . Related article, Can we Really Talk to God? Related article, Gathering the Holy Spirit - Our Experience Ways to strengthen prayer: Video - Earning vs Mercy Article - Sin, a Realistic View Article - Can we Really Talk to God? ​

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